Multiple male orgasm is not new concept, the ancient history also prove that man with proper preparation and training can be able to have multiple male orgasm. Ancient Chinese philosopher called Taoists, have known about this and he put many other profound sexual and multiple orgasm concepts thousands year ago. However, many of these orgasm secrets were mysteries, even now in the era of freedom and sexual consciousness. During 1940-50, many western sex investigators confirmed the abilities to have multiple male orgasm.
Even a male of any age who can experience singular orgasm have ability of multiple male orgasm. Once you understand the complete male sexual response cycle, you can be able to have multiple orgasm with normal techniques and diet control.
Male ejaculation and orgasms are the different phenomena. One call your whole body while other emphasis on your brain. So its nothing just to have control on your ejaculation or to have orgasm after an orgasm without ejaculation.
In fore coming posts you will see more about multiple male orgasms.
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